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    Top 10 Latest Web Development Technologies You Should Know


    Here we explained that Top 10 Latest Web Development Technologies You Should Know. In past few years, web development has emerged as one of the most important part of technology and innovations. In today's era, if you have a business you must have a website for it. Technologies are updating constantly and every now and then a new technology arrives to the tech archive. Things that were yesterday are not today or they just updated themselves to fulfil the current trend and need of time. In web development and designing market, there are a lot of frameworks and tools to deliver the best designs in no time with minimal costing and efforts. To adapt and cope with new challenges many new front-end technologies have been released into the market this year to make web projects more innovative and productive with comparatively less time. In this article we are going to see some of the latest tools which are going to make the web more futuristic.

    1. Web Components


    Sounds like you have heard the term somewhere but don't remember where. That's only because web components are not in complete implementation till now in market. But they will be active soon. Web components are a new set of HTML standards which allows a developer to create its own HTML elements. Most of the HTML elements you are using now are created by W3 consortium. You are bound to use those elements only. With web components, you will be able to use your own created element in your projects without getting a sanction from W3C. You can reuse those elements to create dynamic features like image sliders, drop-down menus or tabbed widgets, and many more. In web components official website you can find the overview and descriptions with practical examples.

    Right now its bit early to use the web components in real time projects, but in coming months this may come as a new must needed thing in web development. So in order to get comfortable with it, start familiarizing with it now.

    2. Polymer


    It is an open-source JavaScript library for building standardized web components and web application. If you are familiar with web components you might find it easy to adopt and implement in projects. Polymer is being developed by the developers of Google and contributors of GitHub which inherits the modern design principles from Google material design. Polymer is set of poly-fills which will be all set to provide access to rich functionality to the developers.

    Polymer.js has for architecture divisions- Native Layer, foundation layer, core layer and elements. In coming years, along with web components API's, polymers will be going to change the picture and will influence the way of web development. In polymer you will get pre-built elements to embed some features like sliders, videos and Google maps. You can even create your own widgets and use it multiple times on the same layout without writing the same type of code again and again.

    3. AMP


    Google has released Accelerated Mobile Pages in October 2015 ion the market but it has been more in project use from 2016 last. AMP is a CSS and JavaScript library which has many built-in components like image gallery, sliders, accordions, tabbed panes, and many more. It has even made it easier to embed YouTube videos, daily motion videos.

    AMP is for mobile website to make them load faster in mobile device and to provide great user experience in with lightning fast speed. It has not been in use for complex websites, but for information content like blogs and news website, its working like charm. Increase in mobile users has made AMP a success in web development.

    4. Gulp

    Gulp- Automation-Tool

    It is an automation tool to automate the painful and time consuming tasks, to reduce the manual labour and to build web development projects in no time. Gulp compiles Sass codes into CSS, makes it browser compatible. It auto-refreshes and saves the page whenever any change has been made. Using gulp would be like having a colleague who helps you always in work, saves your time and always comes up with something innovative.

    5. Typescript


    It is a super-set of JavaScript which has recently been adopted by Google's AngularJS as preferred scripting language. Typescript saves the time of writing the basic scripts for larger JavaScript web projects. If you are familiar with AngularJS then you would love to work with typescript. Typescript is a Google product and its open-source.

    6. Three.js


    It is a cross browser JavaScript library/API used to create detailed data charts, canvas elements and 3D computer graphics. It used web graphics library (WebGL) and is capable to render 3D graphics to any web browser supported by WebGL without using any extension or plugins. To use three.js in your projects you need to include the library file in a webpage having link to a local or remote copy.

    7. Docker


    Only web developers and server handlers know the pain to transfer the files from one server to another. If anything goes wrong and any file went missing, then the company can lose a project and that can cost a lot including someone’s job. So Docker came as a saviour to them. It's an online virtual storage platform where you can store web projects and transfer websites over to another server easily. You can find more about Docker in their official website.

    8. Ionic Framework


    For a web developer it’s a real pain task to learn native mobile development in order to get a mobile app for the website. So, Ionic framework makes their work easy. It's an open source web developer's framework to build native and hybrid mobile apps for android and ios. The codes are written web languages like HTML, JavaScript and CSS, but the result app is like java or swift mobile app.

    9. Zurb's Libraries


    Have you heard of foundation framework? If you are a web developer you would have even used in for designing in your web projects. Zurb is the company behind it and they have many more like it. They have now split up the web framework from automated email framework. Zurb's Motion UI library is very innovative in creating web animations. Anything which comes out of Zurb's collection is always great contributor and helper.

    10. Google's Web Starter Kit


    If you are a newbie in web development then getting started with Google’s web starter kit will be a plus for you. In this kit, there is everything you can find. You can create web application, responsive websites, modular Sass/CSS, local Http servers, web browser reload features. Many better alternatives for this available in market but for starting with this kit is not bad because you will get everything in the same bag without any cost as it's completely free.


    So we came across certain tools which can make web development bit easier, innovative and time saver. Some of the tools are not ready to use officially but learning them will be helpful to implement them easily when they will be launched. 5ine Web Solutions is a best web development company in Bangalore offering web solutions across the globe. We also offer Mobile Application Development & Digital Marketing Services for your Business.

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