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    Top 5 Signs of Sleep Problems in Children

    Sleep problems are the most common problems and there is nothing to fear in it. Generally, it is a little bit difficult for the parents to examine whether their children have the sleep disorder or not. No parents wish to see their children suffering from disturbed sleep. A recent report says that about thirty percent of the infants may have a sleep order at some situation in their lives. 

    The Medical Technology has grown well and hence majority of the disorders can be cured in a better way. A lack of sleep may cause many problems like Accidents, injuries, behavior problems, performance problems, slower reaction times etc. It is an essential one to take your child to the hospital if any sign of the sleep problem is noticed.  


    If your child is having a routine of bedwetting, teeth grinding, night terrors, sleep walking and waking up in the middle of the night, then you should concerned about it.

    Sleep troubles in children is a very common issue, by which most of the parents constantly struggle to get their child free from it. Sleep disorder usually do not effects to child growth and development but it directly effects to your child behavior as in this case your child may start behaving in a strange manner for may start behaving in rudely, he may feel irritating every time, sometimes he may get disturbed, your child doesn’t get involve in family activities, he may feel fatigue, excessive yawing and poor academic performance. These are the signs which will indicates whether your child is able to get his complete sleep or not. Now let’s know about the basic causes and symptoms of disturbed sleep of your child. Top 5 signs of sleep problems in children? toddler sleep issues? Find everything you need to know about sleep disorders, problems and apnea symptoms.

    1. Fatigue

    If you’re child often feel tired or fatigue after doing less effort in school and home, then probably he may get inadequate sleep. The cause behind it could be studies burden, more gaming and fun or any other routine activities. If Fatigue can be a symptom on one side then it can also be a cause on the other side because if you’re child feel tired then he couldn’t get comfortable sleep through pout the night. On the other hand if you’re child doesn’t get enough sleep at night due to some other reason except fatigue, then he could feel tired in the day time. To fix this problem, parents need to help their child to learn practicing yoga and meditation for 10-15 minutes daily.

    2. Sleep apnea 

    may be the cause of your child’s sleep deprivation, about 3 to 12% of children snore, while sleep apnea symptoms effects 1 percent to 10 percent of the children. The reason of sleep apnea in children is enlarged tonsils or obesity. This will cause pauses in breathing, frequent awakening while sleeping. The treatment required for this to first consultation of good pediatrician and provides CPAP Therapy with doctor consultation.

    3. Parasomnias disorder 

    It is also sleeping disorders which not only effects the children but young or adults also. In these your child often experienced fears and terror while sleeping or in dreaming stage. In this situation child’s imagination is very active, so he may dream about scary and horrible things. He may scream, sweating, memory loss in this condition. The reason behind this imagination, stress, confusion, anxiety, irregular sleep routine, etc…which may cause Extreme panic and unable to sleep throughout the night. You can help your child to solve this issue by discussing about your child’s stress, provide him security objects which feel your child comfortable and relax.

    4. Bedwetting 

    It is a very common problem in children, which most of the children face during sleep. It is also known as enuresis in medical term.  It can be cause, if the child has poor daytime toilet habits, the child produce large amount of urine due to excessive drinking liquid before going to bed, Sometimes the child feel sloth when he is on bed, urinary infection, etc...To treat this problem, parents should take the opinion of their pediatrician, improve their child’s habits and don’t let their child to drink large plenty of water before going to sleep.

    5. Sleep related movement disorders

    Periodic limbs movement disorder, restless legs syndrome, bruxism, etc…are problems which your child usually suffer from. It has been proven that these sleep related disorders in children occur due to deficiency of iron, magnesium and calcium in their body. In this case your child may have poor sleep and subsequent daytime sleepiness. The treatment for these children is to provide supplements and healthy diet like fruits, milk and green vegetables as these food items fulfills the need of essential elements for your body. 

    The sleep studies blog exclaims that at the initial stage itself the sleep problem can be improved. First, establish a fixed time each night and do not change it every day. The time should be the same one both for weekday and weekend. The second most important thing is that the room temperature should be a comfortable one and make sure that the bedroom is dark. The noise level should be low as most of the infants are sensitive.

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