Top 6 Things You Need to Keep Your Trade Show Booth Organized
It's one thing to attend a trade show and a totally different thing to properly organize your exhibition booth. Whether you decide to organize your exhibition booth yourself or you hire an expert such as Exhibits NW to do it for you, you can always know that the actual process can be quite daunting.
Basically, an exhibition booth will hold all your products and any other material necessary for the exhibition. Due to this, you will be required to draw up a conclusive checklist and follow it keenly. Otherwise, you are bound to forget one or two items, which can prove catastrophic in the long run.
To reduce the hassle of the entire process, it's of utmost importance to organize a good exhibition toolbox, prior to the actual exhibition. But what should the toolbox contain? Know about the details and types of tradeshows.
Read along to find out!

1. Cleaning Products:
It goes without saying that the core reason for attending a trade exhibition is not to clean the floor, but rather engage in potential new customers. However, cleaning products can act to your advantage in so many ways.
Remember that trade shows can last for a whole week, if not a couple of weeks. This means that you will pitch your tents in the vicinity for a while. Due to this, you will have to make sure that all your assets remain in top form by keeping them clean.
Additionally, you will be required to do a thorough cleaning of your booth each and every day.
2. Basic Tools:
You probably must have figured out that it's called a toolbox for a reason. If you did set up your booth yourself, it's important to keep in mind that anything can go wrong at any given time.
If your booth falls apart, a lot can go wrong. Your products can be destroyed, or even worse injure yourself, your workers, or the potential customers you are trying to woo.
Ensure to have a few tools such as screwdrivers, pliers, a hammer, some glue, and some nails, among many other essential tools. This will allow you to make quick fixes as and when they arise.
3. Office Supplies:
As a first rule to attending any event, always expect anything to happen. For this reason, it's important to attend a trade show well prepared. This includes taking a couple of office supplies with you.
Ensure to pack some paper sheets, stapler, and enough staples, as well as a bunch of pens in your toolbox.
4. WIFI / 3G Device:
Internet supply is used almost everywhere globally. This includes important events, such as trade shows. It’s, therefore, important that your booth has a strong WIFI signal at all times.
Even though most trade show organizers promise internet connection, can you really trust that they will have a good signal? Don't take everything to chance by trusting your organizer to provide you with a stable internet connection.
Remember that such a connection can be insecure or slow due to the number of users tapping from it.
To ensure that you have a plan B, always pack a playable WIFI/4G device in your toolbox. Also, ensure that the device is in good working condition to share signal with your prospective customers.
5. Water:
If you're new to the whole idea of trade shows or participating for the first time, you might not have the faintest idea that trade shows are very exhaustive. Engaging potential customers that visit your booth constantly can drain all your energy.
It's, therefore, important to replace your energy every now and then. One of the best ways is by rehydrating.
While in the pre-organization phase, ensure that you put water in your checklist. When it's time to hit the market for supplies, ensure to buy a couple of water packs.
To help you determine the amount of water you will need, always determine the number of people in your team that will accompany you. Multiply that number by 1.5L for each individual per day. Also, don't forget to add an extra supply for any potential customer that may need water.
6. Snacks:
Just like water, snacks are a great way to replenish your energy through the entire fair. However, properly knowing the types of snacks to place on your booth does more than re-energizing.
Basically, the snacks are meant for your own crew as well as your visitors. When it comes to your visitors, always ensure to offer them healthy snacks, such as fresh fruits, energy bars, among others. Let your staff pick the snacks at their own pleasure. However, as a rule, ensure that no staff eats in your booth.
For the visitors, don't place any restrictions as to how and where they can enjoy their snacks. This is one way of retaining the visitors on your booth for long!
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