How to Check Tyres are Safe and Importance of Tyres
The tyre is the most important part of the vehicle because tyres are the only object that touches continuously and makes permanent contact between the vehicle and the road, so regularly checking the tyres is important. How to check tyres are safe? Here are some important things you should know about the tyre before checking.

How to Check Tyres are Safe, Types and Importance of Tyres
Tyres are based on a few things-
1. Grip
2. The right size of tyre
3. Tread patterns
4. Quality of tyre
5. Tyre width
6. Tyre age and manufacturer warranty
Type of Tyres Which Produce Based Upon the Above Conditions
1. Summer Tyre
2. Winter Tyre
3. All Season Tyre
These tyres are used for the best quality of driving and safety of life.
How the Wrong Selection of Tyres Affect the Condition of Tyres?
Using a wrong tyre fitted in your vehicle on the wrong season can be compromised the performance. Like using summer tyres in winter season can impact on the controlling, it is mean that the exact requirement of grips traction for winter season surface doesn't fulfill with from summer tyres. So, using summer tyres in winter season causes harm and decreases the required amount of handling, control on vehicle, also reduce the performance of the vehicle and increase fuel consumption.
Because of these problems facing by the driver's, manufacturers produce 3 types of tyres for different weather conditions.
1. Summer Tyres
Summer tyres are designed to face extremely dry and wet traction along with stable handling. Summer tyre is optimized for excellent road grip whatever it's too hot, slightly damp or raining heavily on roads. Summer tyres have lower sipes but have specially designed tread bars to minimise the hydroplaning.
2. Winter Tyres
Winter tyres are designed to use in ice or snow areas. Snow tyres are different from regular tyres because of the tread depths. Snow tyres are specially designed with large gaps, tread design with bigger gaps increases the traction on snow and ice. On a winter tyre, it starts from the size of 8mm and 9mm, winter tyres also have thousands of mini grooves
3. All-Season Tyres
All-Season tyres are designed to drive in dry, wet, watery, ice or snow. All season tyres focus in unique tread designed, rubber component. Tread life of these tyre is usually longer than normal tyres with low rolling resistance capability, which saves energy and give better mileage.
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What Things are to be Checked Regularly in Tyres and Why?
While driving a vehicle, cheap tyres face extreme temperature heat or cold, friction and traction, pressure and load and if over pressurised it can cause a real problem when steering your vehicle, which leads to an increase the chance of an accident. There are many things to you should check in your tyre before driving because your tyres are extremely important to your car and your health
1. How to check car tyre tread depth? Check the depth of tread because the tread depth is the vertical measurement from the top of the tyre rubber to the bottom of the tyre grooves. When tyre continuously rotates, traction between road and tyre wear downs the rubber layers time by time which decreased the effectiveness of gripping the road.
2. Checking of Air Pressure in tyres regularly when tyres are cool as a normal condition because correct tyre air pressure distributes the weight of your vehicle equally across the tread patterns so, the vehicle runs without of any bumpiness, stability, loss of grip, etc.
3. How do you measure tyre tread? Checking of tyre conditions and age because the ageing of tyres damaging the tyre wall such as tread warped or small-large cracks in the sidewall of tyres, or producing vibrations indicates the problem of tyre blasting.
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