How to Get Rid of Canadian Geese on Property
Looking at Canadian geese, there will rarely be a person who won’t fall in love at the first sight. Their outer appearance is so charming.
However these birds are very notorious and are a nightmare for persons who have encountered the nuisance that they create.
In fact one of the most encountered issues by people who own large garden areas and laws is the problem of Canadian geese.

These lovely looking birds have the habit of spoiling the garden and lawn areas with their huge dropping. Cleaning the droppings requires a hell lot of work and is hazardous to health also. The droppings have found to carry E. coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter or Cryptosporidium germ that is seriously hazardous to health.
How to Get Rid of Canadian Geese on Property
The other reason that makes this picture even bigger is that these birds move in flocks and hence the level of damage is very high.
- No matter how hard you try they will run away for sometime and will return back and start creating the same nuisance again.
- The third issue that is rare though but can be ignored is that even though these birds are non-violent in nature but there were certain instances where these birds were seen attacking small kids and pets.
- All these issues forced humans to put them into the category of pests. Now comes the most painful part.
- These birds are protected by law and you cannot use any lethal measures against them.
- If you are caught doing so you will be booked by law. Hence use of pallet guns, poison, fire-arms, etc is strictly prohibited.
- This is the only way to get rid of these notorious birds once and for all.
- These professionals use methods that are non-lethal and hence are in compliance with the law.
- Hence for geese management you are bound to look for professionals.
- It took years for these professionals to figure out a solution to this problem. Traditional methods like the use of scarecrows, flags, mylar tapes noisemakers, popguns, noisemakers, sound machines, balloons and fencing didn’t prove to be working in the long run.
- Even after these methods these geese return and started creating the same nuisance again.
- The professional have one thing very clear in their mind. They know the only permanent solution to the geese problem is to scare them away from the place permanently.
- With this idea in their mind they devised a technique that implants permanent fear in the minds of geese and they start to think that the place is dangerous for them.
- This method of geese removal involved the use of specially trained herding dogs. These dogs are termed as Border Collies and are specially reared in England and part of Scotland.
- Their appearance somewhat resembles like wolves and they chase the geese from your surrounding without hurting them.
- This process takes multiple sitting, as the idea is to implant permanent fear in the minds of geese so that they don’t dare to return back and look for their habitat somewhere else.
- Till date this is the best and the most result giving method that is 100% in compliance with the law.
- So if you are facing geese problem then you need not to worry. You can hire professional and get the job done.
- We hope my write up is of help to you. Please share this with other to help them get rid of this headache.
- We hope my write up is of help to all the peoples out there who are facing Geese problem in their lawns and garden areas.
Please share to help others!!!
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