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    How To Look Beautiful in School Uniform?

    Students always see uniforms as a compulsion as they feel they’re independence in wearing a civil dress is not with them. But that’s not ultimately true. A uniform code is more than just what it is. It generates a sense of oneness and belongingness among students. It does not differentiate between gender, caste, creed, religion or otherwise. A school is a place where students come from different parts of the globe. And not all students are alike. With such diversity, it becomes essential that there be some code in place to maintain uniformity and harmony amongst the kids. 

    Wearing a uniform is not to be seen as a requirement but as an opportunity to be able to be one among the crowd and be with acceptance and peace. Uniforms also make it easier to identify a student in a crowd and brings a decent look to the whole school.

    While uniforms differ amongst schools, they’re still the same. Students, be it a boy or a girl, often struggle with trying to look the best in a school uniform. And this complex increases as they move up in the grade. This is because as they grow and become familiar with the society and have more peer pressure try and look better and best in whatever outfit they are in.

    How To Look Beautiful in School Uniform

    While some seldom bother about how they look, others take it seriously. Frankly speaking, it is essential to look good and smart in a uniform. This is because as it is always said, ‘first impressions are long-lasting’. Imagine you going to an inter-school science fair and find all other students in their respective uniforms. As a representative of your school, it becomes vital that you portray yourself the best you can. Wearing a wrinkled or an unpressed shirt can weigh upon you highly. It is only in your school that people might be familiar with who you are. When you step outside, your appearance becomes your identity. How to look pretty in school uniform? Pretty school uniform? How to look attractive in school uniform? So in this article, we will be looking at how to look beautiful in school uniform.

    How To Look Beautiful in School Uniform?

    1.  Press your uniform

    The foremost and the most important of all is to make sure your uniform is pressed or ironed neatly. A wrinkled dress will never make you look smart. Pay close attention to the cuffs and collars of your shirt. For girls, it is imperative to make sure that the skirt pleats are pressed rightly. Boys can opt for straight pressed pants than the horizontal press. This is a trick to make you look taller and smarter.

    2.  Wear tight-fitting socks

    Students often spoil every new pair of socks in a concise span. Lazily hanging socks can portray a very clumsy look, making you feel lesser than other students. Make sure you hand wash your socks to make it last longer. Another trick can be to get elastic strips and strict them seamlessly to make the sock look stiff and last longer.

    3.  Always polish your shoes

    Another vital tip is to make sure your shoes are polished at all times. Black shoes are a symbol of smartness, and so you have to take care to maintain it. Purchase shoes from a good trader that will make it last longer. Always get the right fitting. Boys are to make sure that the shoelace is tied correctly and is dust-free at least till the morning assembly.

    4.  Keep your canvas bright and white

    If you have canvas shoes as a part of your uniform, you have to take extra care in making sure they are spik and span. You must make sure that it is white in color all the time. It can be challenging for sports time at school.

    5.  Clean your sportswear regularly

    Sports uniforms are generally rough and thick in nature, and so most people often skip washing it on a regular basis as it is worn only once a week. But what you need to understand is that this uniform is where you will find maximum germs and this can also spoil the cloth and fade the uniform color quickly. So make sure you hand wash or machine wash them regularly according to the material.

    6.  Pinup the dupatta

    Girls, this is a significant thing to notice. Pressing and pinning up the dupatta can give you an extra smart look. Also, since it is in place, you wouldn’t have to be distracted in adjusting it while in school hours. Also, while washing makes sure, you open the dupatta completely before you push it in the washing machine. This way, the dirt in the creases will also get washed off easily.

    7.  Never forget your school accessories

    School accessories are a part of the uniform itself. At no cost should you forget them. These include a belt, the identity card, neatly pressed ribbons, badges if any, and ties if it is included in the list. These add extra beauty to your uniform. Purchasing custom lanyards with badge holders is essential to keeping your student IDs safe and visible. The clear case lets you see your student ID at all times and it's easy to use! In addition, the lanyard design is easy to carry, and it can also be detached and hung on a key ring. GS-JJ.com's Student ID Holder - Lanyard Style is not only useful for carrying student ID cards and other smaller college essentials but also supports the free design and fast shipping, adding a touch of style to your college decor you can also add some pins on it.

    custom lanyards

    8.  Say no to extremely fashionable ideas

    This is important for both boys and girls. While boys should avoid wearing funky sports shoes and wear heavy dial watches, girls should make sure they do not put heavy earrings and necklaces and colourful accessories. Both boys and girls should avoid wearing bracelets and charms and other hand accessories like rings. Other items to avoid can be nail polish or growing extremely long nails. Make sure your nails are cut and filed neatly. Also, girls should avoid heavy eye makeup like kajal or mascara. Boys, on the other hand, should avoid spikes or punk or any other hairstyles.

    9.  Always carry a napkin

    This tip will be beneficial for daily school life. You never know when there can be an emergency. Always carry a handkerchief or a towel to dust off that extra sand on your shoes or any food stains that might occur during the lunch hours.

    10.  Groom your hair well

    A smart look comes with a smart hairstyle. To look extra beautiful in your uniform, get your hairstyle right. Boys can neatly apply gel or hair oil and comb them sideways to give a smart look and always maintain short and cropped hair. Girls, on the other hand, should tie up their plaits if they have long hair. You can try and make a pretty flower-like design with your ribbon, which will make the hairstyle look neat and beautiful. Girls with short hair can put pigtails or ponytails depending on their hair length. 

    11.  Buy uniforms at the right place

    Lastly but not the least, make sure you buy your uniforms from the most trusted sellers. Buying uniforms from a local made by compromising on quality will only end up in giving room to extra expenses as you might have to keep altering them frequently. You can check if your school provides uniforms and suggest a trusted wholesale uniform seller like RSM. We keep students’ requirements on top and never compromise on the quality.

    And so these are some of the best tips that you can follow to look beautiful in school uniforms. A special notice is to be made to the last point as it is the investment point, and by investing in the wrong place, you can have bad experiences. Reach out to RSM Uniforms for information on uniforms and the best quality and material.

    Author bio: Rahul Jain is an entrepreneur, an avid blogger and uniform manufacturer & supplier in Chennai who wrote new trends in clothing which he implies in his industry called Chennai Uniforms based out in Chennai. With more than 3 decades of experience in the clothing industry, he shares his knowledge with excellence in the online industry. 

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