Types of Transformers in Electrical and Robotics Industries
Have you ever wondered about transformers or meeting a manufacturer of transformer? Unless you’re running a software development or energy and power company, you’ll never think about transformers. Types of transformers robots? In this technology-driven world, transformers are now an integral part of every industry, and even they are used in the development of robots.
Believe it or not, directly or indirectly, your company is getting benefited from the transformers. For instance, the current you’re using in your office and house alternating current because it can generate energy easily and without burning your pockets. This is the electricity everyone worldwide is using and cannot survive on this planet without it. Discover how to compare your business energy and switch business energy supplier.
Well, we shouldn’t talk about the working process of transformers or something similar. Today, we’re here to learn about different types of transformers used in electrical and robotics fields.

Types of Transformers in Electrical and Robotics Industries
- Distribution Transformers
Distribution transformers are very prevalent, and they are usually in the last phase of every development process. The reason is they have lower ratings ranging between 2-3 KV to 12 KV. The primary role of this transformer type is converting the high voltage into the required voltage. These transformers are also available in single, double, and triple phases.
Distribution transformers are different in size and structure, depending on the voltage ratings and requirements. Furthermore, this transformer type is differentiated based on the insulation types like on-load tap changer (OLTC), liquid immersed, dry type etc. The core material of every distribution transformer is laminated steel plates.
As a result, transformers developed by OLTC Distribution Transformers manufacturers are quite robust and bulky. Plus, the coil of every distribution transformer is of copper or aluminum coated with industry-grade enamel.

Lastly, Distribution Transformer manufacturers provide transformers in different structures that can be placed over a concrete pad or inside a wooden or steel box.
- Power Transformers
Power transformers are usually robust and bulky in structure and mostly used in the electrical domain. The transformers you see in your locality or nearest energy stations are primarily power transformers.
As a result, when such transformers are in demand, the number of package substations transformers manufacturers is also high. The reason is this transformer is like a mediator between the power generator and power distributor.
There are three different kinds of power transformers (categorized based on specs and power ratings): medium power transformers, small power transformers, and large power transformers. The ratings of small power transformers are nearly 7000 KVA, whereas medium power transformers will generate around 50-80 MVA. The large power transformers primarily used in the development of robots can handle 100 MVA easily.
As this is one of the common transformer types, the features and specs are also highly advanced. A high energy resistor is used in them. The key features are a well-balanced cooling system, highly insulated outputs, and automatic voltage controllers.
The primary role of this transformer type is converting high voltage into a low voltage that also reduces the power loss in the energy distribution. Plus, such transformers work in three different phases: single phase, double phase, and three phases.

Regarding the comparison, three phase power transformers are highly cost-effective, efficient, and better than single phase transformers. For knowing more about such transformers, talk to a manufacturer of transformer.
- Step Up and Step Down Transformers
Like power distribution transformers, step up and step down transformers are prevalent in both electrical and robotics domains. If you visit transformer manufacturing companies, most probably you’ll see step up and step down transformers getting manufactured in bulk. Before industries hop on power and distribution transformers, step up and step down transformers are required.
Transforming low voltage into high voltage and high alternating current to low alternating current is the primary role of step-up transformers. The working process of the step-up transformers indicates that turns in the primary winding are lower than turns in the secondary winding. Surprisingly, most transformer manufacturers use step-up transformers for testing different types of transformers.
Step down transformers converts low alternating current and high voltage into high alternating current and low voltage. The working process of the step-down transformers is opposite to the step-up transformers. The number of turns in the secondary winding is greater than the turns in the primary winding.
Nevertheless, in step down transformers, the voltage level is reduced during the output process. Hence, you’ll mostly see robot engineers using the step-down transformers for testing the robots’ core components.
- Isolation Transformers
Dry type transformers and isolation transformers come under one category because the working process and advantages are similar with minimal differences. Isolation transformers aren’t associated with converting the voltage levels.
Both the primary and secondary voltage level of every isolation transformer will remain the same. In other words, the turns in both secondary and primary winding are the same in isolation transformers.
Are you wondering why the ratio of both primary and secondary winding the same? The primary role of isolation transformers is isolating the working process of both primary and secondary winding. Plus, isolation transformers ensure there is no connection between the primary and secondary winding.
Furthermore, the conduction happening in the electrical coil is only through the magnetic flux. Isolation transformers are entirely different from other types of transformers manufactured by transformer manufacturing companies.
Regarding the structure, components, winding etc, this transformer type is different and primarily used to eliminate the noise transfer and safety concerns. Furthermore, you’ll never find isolation transformers in different phases and variants.
In our opinion, this transformer type is not ideal for every industry type and requirement. But, electrical and robotics domains cannot overlook the advantages of isolation transformers.

If you meet dry type transformer manufacturers, you’ll learn more about the uses and advantages of isolation transformers.
Final Thoughts
So, we have covered everything about different types of transformers suitable for the electrical and robotics industry. Nevertheless, there are many other transformer types, but this write-up focuses only on transformers for the industries mentioned above.
If still, you’re interested in gaining valuable insights and understanding the concepts of transformers, visit different transformer manufacturing companies!
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