How to Become an Investor Without Money?
The most and common significant investment in this world is in yourself. You take different courses, get an education, read books. These are all investments. The most expensive in your life and this is not about money.
Nowadays, everyone associates an investor with a person who invests in projects and makes a profit, but it is not always possible to invest with money.
The most important thing in any business is the idea. An idea appears in your head and only then you are faced with the task of monetizing it. This is usually how investors work. You have an idea, they have money, and you agree to barter. But barter may not be used.
You can initially invest your most valuable resources. Your ideas and your time. The easiest way to show this is with a startup. For example, you found a person who wants to become a blogger but does not know-how. You make a deal with him that you will come up with content for him, offer ideas for promotion, and get a percentage from this. What have you put into it? Your ideas.
At the initial stage, a blogger does not need to make huge investments. The main thing is to be creative and interesting. Invest your ideas. As soon as you see the first result, then invest the money already received in further projects. For example, if you have a YouTube channel, then you can buy YouTube random comments, views, likes, and much more. You will only increase what you already have.
What have you invested from the start? Ideas. What did you end up with? Real money.
In the future, you can have a whole base of clients who will turn to you for creativity. You are monetizing your knowledge. You earn when you spend your time.
There is another good example of real estate. You become an intermediary between the seller and the buyer. You find two people on your own and create the ideal conditions for them to sell or buy. You are investing in a deal. You get real money again.
As soon as you start making real money, you have a new resource for investment and below I will give examples of investments that can earn you even more.

How to Become an Investor Without Money?
Robotics, technology, medicine. Everything related to new developments will only develop even more. Look at Elon Musk and you will not have any questions about why he has billions of dollars. The development of various vaccines and medicines are new stages of evolution. You will never lose your money on this, you can only increase it and also help society.
- Investments on the Internet
New messengers, applications. Even sites for watching movies are always in great demand. Invest in your daily life. You use the Internet and telephone every day. Invest in new developments, look at what everyone is using and improve it.
- Fashion
Fashion changes every day. Invest in beauty and make this world even more beautiful.
Forget about analysts
There is no magic pill. As well as universal trading methods. The market does not lend itself to accurate statistics, there are real people behind it. In each specific situation, you will have to look for an individual solution. Do you know how an experienced investor differs from an analyst? The first one can not only find an interesting deal but is also ready to take the real risk of losing his money. Analysts do not bear any responsibility for their advice.
It doesn't matter which path you choose - investor or trader, find your place in the market. In different words, you don't require to invest in everything. It is unrealistic to cover all financial instruments. Determine what your goals are and what is needed for this. Think about what you know best, what instruments you can trade best - and only deal with them.
Develop your strategy
Develop your vision of the market. Each person perceives the market differently. Different methods and approaches can be spied on from more experienced investors. But it is also not worth copying someone else's technique completely. No one can transfer their experience to you 100%.
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