How to Help a Baby Sleep Better
Sleep is a vital element to any healthy baby. When we talk of how babies slumber we mean adequate sleep. Whereby, sleep helps the baby grow. From conception, babies are used to sleeping for long hours without much interruption from the surroundings.
Hence, once a baby has come, parents forget to make the surroundings conducive for the baby for better sleep. Their surroundings need a comfortable mattress in a box in Australia, no noise, clean, among others to help them sleep well. This affects the baby because he is used to being in a different kind of environment. As a parent, it is wise to figure out what works for your baby. Babies have different sleeping patterns and ways that make them comfortable. There are many ways that a baby can sleep better and longer. Only that as the guardian, you have to find what works for them. Below are ways to help your baby sleep better.
How to Help a Baby Sleep Better
- Swaddle the baby
Swaddling is one of the best ways for a baby to sleep better and for longer. When a baby comes into this world, most of them have a startle reflex which affects their sleep. Baby swaddles if not done correctly, the baby will have sleep interruption patterns making your baby irritable most of the time.

However, as the baby grows older, the startle reflex continues reducing making the parent swaddle the baby but with the arms left out. Also, the type of material that swaddle a baby should be clean and skin sensitive to the baby. However, not all babies love the swaddling effect. Therefore, a parent should choose what best works for their baby.
- Dream feed

It is one of the best ways to feed your baby if you are working on his nighttime routine. The nursing mother should ensure that she has enough milk for the baby. Healthy lactation will help the baby be fuller faster and longer. It will help the baby sleep for longer periods without waking for any feed.
Therefore, when the baby is about to sleep, the mother breastfeeds the baby exclusively till the baby is done on his own. Generally, mothers prefer to breastfeed their babies after they have woken up. This trait will surely make the baby not have a good sleeping routine. Therefore, the baby will be very fussy and irritable at all times. Adequate sleep helps babies to grow healthy and be happier at all times.
- Change your baby’s diaper strategically
Sleep patterns of any baby depend on how the parents are handling their baby. A diaper change is a crucial routine for a baby. Correct timing for a diaper change will give your baby who is happy and sleeps for lengthy periods. This type of baby is what every parent wants so that one can create time for their partner.

Diaper change should be before a baby starts to feed, whether during daytime or nighttime. This is important to avoid interrupting a baby's sleeping schedule. However, if a baby gets a diaper change after a feed, and the baby was still sleepy, that will make the baby wake up instantly. The baby's sleep pattern will steadily be interrupted more overtaking longer for the baby to go back to sleep again.
- Understand how a baby sleeps
The way your baby sleeps as a parent is very vital so that you can understand the baby. If the sleeping pattern is healthy, then it is good for the baby. However, if it is not, it is crucial to check what could be the problem. Do not overtire your baby because you want them to sleep more at night. This is a myth because a baby who is exhausted all the time will sleep for shorter and lesser periods.

Giving your baby ample time to sleep when they want is the best remedy. From there, you will be able to know how to improve your baby's sleep routine. Healthy babies are those who sleep for lengthy periods. These babies are less fussy and happier than those who sleep for fewer hours. As a parent, it is crucial to note that sleep is one of the vital aspects of growth for any baby growing up.
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