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    SEO for Law Firms | 5 Proven SEO Tips for Lawyers?

    Are you concerned about how you’ll represent your law firm on your website and social media? SEO for Law Firms? Many lawyers who’ve been in the field for years don’t necessarily have a firm understanding of what SEO is and how to employ it to best suit their needs. The following are some tips and tricks that are sure to get you moving in the right direction with your marketing needs.

    SEO Is a Must Today

    SEO, shorthand for search engine optimization, is a necessary aspect of any business today and that includes law firms. SEO involves the following: 

    • Writing new content and re-writing older content after determining ways you can improve upon it.
    • Making adjustments to meta information to let Google better know what your page is about.
    • Making adjustments to the meta description and/or page title so that you improve upon the click-through rate that comes from the search results page.
    • Altering the programming on your website so that it has increased speed.
    • Altering the keywords on your page so that the conversion rate increases on your website.
    • Making improvements to your website’s architecture so your content is more organized.

    Not everyone realizes just how much hard work goes into all of this. Even if you’re new to SEO techniques, you’ll be more successful if you have some guidelines in place. Check with the right SEO for Law Firms for your business.

    SEO for Law Firms and SEO Tips for Lawyers

    SEO for Law Firms | 5 Proven SEO Tips for Lawyers?

    1.  Opt for a Certain ROI

    Your return-on-investment (ROI) should be a specific amount. Of course, it may be idealistic, but you want to opt for something in the ballpark of a 5X return or about $5,000 ROI if you spend $1,000 on your SEO, with a range of 3X to 10X. Whether you keep this work in-house or hire someone from outside of your firm to assist you in the manner, you’d do well to keep this in mind and plan accordingly. 

    The amount that you bring in as a result of your SEO efforts is subject to how well the SEO agency performs, how picky your law firm is when it comes to taking cases, if you’re in a competitive market in your area, and if Google is being fickle. 

    2.  Beware of Cheap Services and Agencies Making Promises 

    If you’re paying less, you’re more likely to get automated SEO services. This means that the person or people writing your SEO content may not put much research into the right keywords to use and other aspects that will make this content the most successful. You do get what you pay for. 

    Another thing you want to look out for is if the agency makes promises of getting you leads and other performance-based outcomes. They could get you a few leads, but they may not be of good quality, and they could halt work right after this, even if they haven’t delivered what you expected. 

    3.  Ask for Transparent Pricing 

    It can be difficult for an agency to come up with pricing since the amount of what is done on a particular campaign can change monthly. It’s a good idea to have whoever you’re working with on your SEO campaign bring you an itemized proposal for the project. The agency should give a report when they’ve reached smaller milestones.

    4.  The Keywords Aren’t Most Important

    It’s common to think about SEO content as having a major focus on the keywords and the research that goes along with putting those together. Though they are an important part of getting your potential clients to locate your content organically, it’s in your best interest to have the blog or social media content is written about topics that relate to your industry. This is what people will be looking up on the search engine and they’ll want to find a firm that offers the insight and expertise that they need. 

    5.  Consider the Type of Content 

    Your law firm may tend to want only certain types of SEO content. Think carefully about what you’d like, talk to an SEO marketing expert, and get a feel for what would best suit your needs. This can include website copy, blog posts, charts and graphs, audio and video clips. You will be amazed at how many varieties of options there are if you haven’t looked into all of this in the past. When you have figured out what works for your law firm you may want to stick with it for a while, but a little variety can also work wonders.

    When SEO is done right, you can rest assured that you have an agent who will put in a huge effort to discuss your needs, what to expect, and talk to you throughout every step of the process. You’ll see what brings about optimal performance when you have a company on your side that has the professional experience and know-how to put together keywords, topics, and use information and psychology to put your law firm in the best possible light. Reach out to a local SEO marketing agency today and you won’t regret it. 

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