Top 6 Useful Ways to Rescue an Old Router
These times, good or bad, sure have brought a lot, and the online phase is one of the best. But for you to work online, there sure is a thing which has a very important role, and that remains- the Internet!
Almost all of you have home internet at home. You call it the Wi-Fi. Don’t you? Well, the full form is Wireless Fidelity (just some extra info!).
Getting to the point, routers play an important role in helping the Internet reach your device. And then when you have brought a new router, the old one loses importance.
What to do with that? Throw it? No-o-o! You are not the one to throw an old router just because you brought a new one. It’s probably not in the worst situation and has helped you a lot in the last few years. Didn’t it? Then what? Give it to your kid? No, what good can she bring out of it? It’s not a thing to play with. Let’s take it back from her. Now? Just put it somewhere you would not remember and then forget about it? Doesn’t seem so exciting either, huh?
You know what’s exciting and generous, it’s to make the best use out of the old router so that it doesn’t come in the ‘Waste products.’ That’s like reusing it! Or maybe, some would say that we are rescuing the old router!
So, let’s look into the ways we can rescue it. Here are 6 of them.

Top 6 Useful Ways to Rescue an Old Router
1. Wireless extender: if your new router cannot cover a high range, this is your option.
You can build a wireless extender for your old router.
A wireless extender, also known as a wireless repeater, extends the range of your existing Wi-Fi by receiving and transmitting the signal to more areas. This way, your Wi-Fi can reach the places of your home or workplace where it couldn’t reach before. As a result, everybody sitting at any corner of the house can now enjoy a full Wi-Fi signal (in your words).
The Internet shows various videos and steps to convert a router into a repeater. Check it out!
2. Guest Wi-Fi: if your home invites a lot of guests, choose this.
When I say guests, invited and uninvited, A wireless, both come in the category. Maybe you need a guest Wi-Fi for the uninvited ones so that they don’t try to access the devices connected with your main Wi-Fi. Or at your workplace for all the clients.
You need to go through some steps to convert your router into a Guest Router and edit some security settings. I know you can find your way through it! (winked eye)
3. Network Switch: if you think you don’t have enough Ethernet ports.
Some devices need to be connected with Ethernet ports, your PS, TV, or so, and if they do not have wireless connectivity, Ethernet ports are the option. So, if you can get into the little trouble of converting your old router into a network switch, you’ve got yourself at most four ports for four devices to get connected with your main Wi-Fi.
You need to connect it with the main router and a few more steps. Then, if, and you have got yourself a cheap network switch!
4. Wireless Bridge: if your main Wi-Fi attracts many users, separate the networks through a wireless bridge.
A wireless bridge connects two networks with Wi-Fi. It is different from an extender because it creates a different connection rather than extending just one. Therefore, it is a more reliable option, and there are steps to convert an old router into a wireless bridge. One step is to use DD-WRT. Sign in to IP panel to understand better.
It will surely help to divert the excess traffic on just one Wi-Fi. So go to an expert or become one temporarily!
5. Virtual Private Network (VPN): Enjoy Wi-Fi as well as protection.
Set up your router with a VPN. This will help with protected browsing. First, you need to see the conditions needed to set up a VPN. There are few steps for this as well.
You can then use your main Wi-Fi for daily activities on the Internet and VPN for personal ones.
6. Network Attached Storage (NAS): Get access to your files with networking.
Convert your old router into a hard disk, or in other words, NAS.
This can only happen with a custom router with DD-WRT, but it’s your chance to get technical.
When you have figured the exceptions and gone through the steps, you are good to go with access to your files anywhere at your home or workplace.
There are many more ways to rescue your old router that are cheap and handy. They do not always require you to be an expert, but if you are one, then awesome! Or you can always ask for help. If you have one, You would also need a Universal Serial Bus (USB) port, without which this option may not work.
These were some ways that were easily accessible, cheap, and step-wise available on the Internet. Take some time-out to think which one you think would work for you. Then, if you do not need the router anymore, think again but don’t throw it. Instead, donate it to someone who can make use out of it.
You can always tally the ways and options through different sources, but these were easiest and explained in as easy language as possible. Hope it worked for you!
Enjoy your new router!
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