How to Change PHP Version in XAMPP?
How to Change PHP Version in XAMPP (Windows)? XAMPP is presumably one of the products that utilize for the most part on my Windows PC and they won't expound to clarify why we use XAMPP. While it's anything but some time to sort out some way to refresh the PHP form, I figured it will be useful to share my experience and make your work simpler, and save you a lot of time on this errand with these various choices on the best way to refresh the PHP form on XAMPP Windows and fix any difficulties that may go along.

How to Change PHP Version in XAMPP?
PHP 7 is twice pretty much as quick as the lower version of PHP as given below:
- Low memory using (up to half).
- Error Handling.
- 64-Bit Windows Systems Support.
- New Spaceship and Null Coalescing Operators.
- Enables Accurate Type Declarations.
- Add Anonymous Classes.
- Facilitates Imports from the Same Namespace.
- Introducing invalid blending and Spaceship administrator.
Then again, the PHP5 variant won't be upheld any longer and for example, Joomla 4 will be viable just with workers that are utilizing, at any rate, the PHP7 versions and these are a few reasons, yet you get the point.
Change PHP version on Windows XAMPP
On the off chance that you are running a more seasoned version of XAMPP (3.2.1 or more installation), probably you are as yet utilizing PHP5, and here two or three alternatives on the best way to overhaul the old PHP5 variant to PHP7.
- Download the most recent PHP form that is viable with your Windows.
- Extract records to a folder named PHP.
- Go to your XAMPP installation registry and rename the old PHP folder.
- Copy the as of late extricated PHP organizer to your XAMPP installation folder.
- Open up the XAMPP Control Panel and arrange Apache.
- Click on the Config button close to the Apache module and pick Apache.
- Replace all php5 with php7 text and save the document.
- Restart Apache worker.
Imagine a scenario in which the Apache worker doesn't begin and you may get the accompanying mistake message on your XAMPP Control Panel:
- In the XAMPP Control Panel click the Config button close to the Apache module
- Choose Apache
- Save and close the document
- Edit the document by tapping the Apache
- Find and supplant the accompanying lines:
{ Listen 443
Listen 4443
Server Name 443
Server Name 4443 }
- Save and close the record
- Restart Apache worker
At this point one more error could stop you from using the XAMPP Apache server:
Missing DLL Problem with XAMPP
This mistake is expected to obsolete Microsoft Visual C++ software and the blunder could endure, even though you may have this product introduced on your PC.
Here is the thing that you can do:
- Download the most recent variant of Microsoft Visual C++
- Uninstall the old form from your PC: Start > Control Panel > Programs Uninstall a Program.
- Restart your PC.
- Install the new form that you as of late downloaded.
- Restart your PC once more.
- Launch the XAMPP Control Panel and start the Apache worker – the DLL mistake ought not to spring up any longer.
Install XAMPP 3.2.2
On the off chance that nothing unless there are other options strategies work, they suggest introducing the most recent version of XAMPP and the most recent version of XAMPP accompanies PHP7 included, so you don't need to play with all the above issues. Be that as it may, be cautious, not to overwrite your old records, since you may lose every one of your activities, documents, and data sets with here is a simple to follow bit by bit guide on the best way to introduce the new XAMPP and move your projects over as given below:
- Go to ApacheFriends and download the version that you need.
- Run the installation and pick an alternate objective organizer for it – if your old XAMPP version is introduced to C:/xampp/folder, introduce the new form to C:/newxampp/
- After successful installation moves the C:/xampp/htdocs/organizer to C:/newxampp/htdocs/ – this will move the entirety of your undertaking records to the new installation.
- Also move the C:/xampp/MySQL/information/to C:/xampp/MySQL/information/ – this will move all data set data to the new installation.
- Open the new XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL.
- Now check the PHP variant http://localhost/phpinfo/php – this PHP document ought to contain the accompanying line.
- Start utilizing the force of PHP7.
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