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    What are the Different Types of Birth Injuries?

    Giving birth is a wholesome experience that varies from woman to woman. Whether it's your first time as a mother or you have experienced it before, it does take a toll. The long labor pains are pretty exhausting and unbearable, but the first sight of the little angel takes away all the stress and pain. Every mother wishes for a healthy baby. However, some babies get injured before, during, or shortly after delivery. Many babies get injured during delivery and get healed by themselves. However, some require prompt treatment. Hence it is essential to seek a doctor as soon as you suspect any symptom.

    Numerous factors put a baby at risk of birth injury. If the baby's weight is more than 8lbs, it gets difficult for normal delivery. Some women have a narrow pelvis, which is not adequate, and doctors recommend a cesarean delivery. Excessive pulling with instruments also injures the baby. These are some common risk factors that are associated with birth injuries. So if your baby cannot swallow or drools a lot, the hands are curled into a paw, there is a low heart rate or high pitched cry; they are common symptoms of an injury. Hence, as a mother, you should be aware of any common birth injury so that you can monitor your child for any complications. Thus, for all the mother-to-be, continue reading for a better understanding:

    What are the Different Types of Birth Injuries?

    What are the Different Types of Birth Injuries?

    1.  Birth Injuries Caused by Oxygen Deprivation/ Birth Asphyxia

    Birth asphyxia refers to low levels of oxygen in the blood that damages the baby's brain. It is also known as hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. The damage is not just in the brain; other vital organs of the body are also affected. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is usually preventable. Moreover, if therapeutic hypothermia is administered soon after birth, it can minimize the damage to the brain. The cause of oxygen deprivation is usually umbilical cord problems, uterine rupture, and separation of the placenta from the uterine wall.

    2.  Birth Injuries Due to Trauma

    There are several reasons for trauma causing birth injuries. Suppose the position of the baby is breech. In that case, it makes delivery difficult, and there is a potential for damage to the head and neck of the baby. Sometimes a narrow pelvis of the mother or more than 8lbs of the baby's weight makes it challenging to deliver. The doctors use a vacuum during delivery. There is pressure on the baby's delicate skull and brain, collapsing the veins and causing asphyxia. So when the medical staff properly follows the safety protocols and closely monitors the baby throughout the pregnancy and delivery, there are few chances of traumatic birth injuries.

    3.  Premature Babies and Birth Injuries

    Some babies are not yet fully developed, but they have to be delivered prematurely due to complications. Their brain, lungs, and other body organs are not fully developed, making them more susceptible to medical interventions. A significant complication is a difficulty in breathing. Such neonates require admission to the NICU, where breathing machines assist them. The medical staff can regulate the devices properly. They can monitor the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. Over ventilation can damage the brain tissues. Hence, you can consult a doctor regularly throughout the pregnancy so that they can evaluate the risk factors for premature births earlier.

    4.  Improper NICU Care Causing Birth Injuries

    Some babies, as mentioned before, require NICU care. Hence, it is imperative to monitor such babies closely. Glucose is the only source of energy for the brain. If the baby's blood sugar level drops, it becomes critical as it causes brain injury. Many babies, soon after birth, get jaundice. In this condition, the bilirubin level increases, hence the pale appearance. Mostly, jaundice is a self-limiting condition. However, some babies need additional help. But, if there are improper care and the bilirubin level increases further, it can cross the blood-brain barrier. It then causes a condition known as kernicterus, which can damage the brain. But no need to panic; it is a treatable condition.

    5.  Birth Injuries Due to Mismanaged Obstetric Procedures

    Labor and delivery are such situations that can turn into an emergency anytime. Hence the paramedical staff should be vigilant and well trained. Medical staff usually waits for a longer time to induce normal delivery. However, they should be able to recognize situations that require prompt delivery. The more you delay, the more are the chances of birth injuries. The staff can monitor the baby's heart rate throughout the labor. If the team misses any sign of fetal distress, they can put the life of the mother and the baby at risk.

    Final Words

    Even with the best medical team, natural labor, and delivery process, the chances of birth injuries are inevitable. But the incidence of birth injuries has decreased significantly over the past decade. Large-sized babies and delivery with instruments are known as significant risk factors of birth injuries. However, malpractice and negligence of the physician put the lives of the mother and the baby at risk. There are so many ways a doctor's failure can cause damage to the neonate. 

    Hence the paramedical staff should be well experienced and trained. They can monitor the mother and the baby throughout the pregnancy until delivery. And if you are a new mother and observe your child showing birth injury symptoms, always seek a doctor. An early diagnosis can help your child manage the condition.

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