Honda Civic Transmission Replacement Costs
Replacing a transmission is something that doesn't happen every day or even to every car owner, but when it does happen, it's among the most expensive repairs for a single operation. The cost of a Honda Civic transmission will generally range between $1,200 and $3,400 installed. Why is there a big gap between the top and bottom prices? There are a lot of reasons.
- The model year influences cost, with extremely old and very new transmissions typically costing the most.
- Labor prices differ from shop to shop.
- The costs of manual vs. automatic transmission replacement operations are different, so your transmission type helps determine the cost.
- Transmission costs vary depending on the part's source.
- The brand of transmission replacement.
There are often multiple manufacturers for OEM-spec equipment for popular vehicles like the Civic. If not for more recent model years, then for Civic models that are a bit older. This vehicle is known for its longevity, which makes this operation somewhat common for owners of older Civics. The longer a car lasts the more likely it is that any part needs replacing during its lifetime, and the transmission holds to that pattern.

Honda Civic Transmission Costs?
The cost of labor on a transmission installation for a Civic can run between $500 and $1500 depending on the transmission type, model year, and garage you choose. That means the cost of the parts themselves are generally $700 to about $2000, give or take a few bucks. Lower prices usually indicate gearbox rebuilds for manual transmissions, whereas the high-end costs are for OEM automatic transmissions. If you are looking for an upgraded performance model for something older like a 2003 Honda Civic transmission to maximize your vehicle's abilities, then parts alone could cost as much as $5000 after taxes.
What Are Transmissions Used For?
The transmission provides the gearing needed to produce the car's various drive speeds in any vehicle. It determines the amount of torque applied to the road by the engine to a great degree as well, and vehicles with off-road gears shift to them via the transmission. Replacing your 2002 Honda Civic transmission with an OEM-spec model or even a contracted OEM manufacturer means getting a part made to the exact specifications Honda set for the production model that year. Replacing it with a performance upgrade means getting a few additional benefits:
- Construction from materials superior to those deemed cost-effective or even available at the time of production.
- Faster response times when shifting gears and smoother shifting actions.
- Increased longevity under comparative use conditions when tested alongside OEM parts.
- Tighter tolerances and quality specifications than Honda originally set for the part.
- Sometimes, with the right upgrade, you can even change the number of gears to add or reduce a vehicle's transmission speeds.
For more information about your transmission, you're going to need the year and type. Do you drive a stick? Or is your Honda an automatic? Generally speaking, manual transmissions have more flexibility for customization if you are looking to tune up their performance. Automatics provide a driving experience that requires a bit less labor on your part, though. Generally speaking, though, you don't change from one to the other, the replacement is whatever type of transmission you already had.
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