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    Surgery Threats to Be Conscious Following a Breast Augmentation

    A woman's breast size and shape can change after surgery. In most cases, this is a desirable outcome because changes in the size or shape of a woman's breasts can make her feel more confident with her appearance. Unfortunately, it is not always possible for women to choose specific outcomes in the cosmetic plastic surgery process without some risks associated with it. This article explores some surgical risks that women must know following a breast augmentation procedure.

    Surgery Threats to Be Conscious Following a Breast Augmentation

    Fluid Accumulation

    Undergoing breast augmentation procedures may cause a woman to experience changes in her breasts' size, shape, and feel and may lead to the formation of fluid-filled sacs. In some cases, these sacs will remain in place up to three months after the surgery has been performed and can be drained through the woman's nipples. In other cases, it may be necessary for an additional procedure to be performed for physicians to drain these sacs.


    It is also possible for a woman to experience the formation of fluid-filled sacs nearby the site of her implants. Their presence can cause infections in the breast and other adjacent organs, such as the lymph nodes. In cases where inflammation is present, women may be required to take antibiotics to help alleviate any symptoms that they are experiencing. The use of antibiotics is also common in cases where there is suspicion that bacteria have entered the woman's bloodstream.


    Women can experience some degree of scarring after undergoing a breast augmentation procedure. In many cases, they will notice that scars cover their breasts following the procedure has been performed. Some women may also feel their scars through the skin on their breasts. This is especially true in cases where a surgical incision was required to perform the procedure. Scarring will normally fade over time and may disappear completely given enough time and proper treatment by physicians.


    Necrosis is the death of healthy body tissue that occurs when an injury is sustained, or bacteria enter the body. In some cases, this condition can be experienced by women who have undergone breast augmentation procedures. As a result, necrosis can cause a woman's breasts to become severely inflamed and bruised, in addition to causing some unwanted discoloration on the skin of their breasts due to the blood vessels becoming exposed. In severe cases, necrosis may require that breast implants be removed for patients to recover from a state of severe inflammation.

    Post Capsular Contracture

    Post capsular contracture is a condition that directly affects women who have undergone breast augmentation procedures. The condition causes the body to produce scar tissue around the implants in women's breasts as a result of underlying inflammation. This can lead to many anatomical changes, such as necrosis and painful sensations in the breasts. Post capsular contracture can be present after a breast augmentation procedure has been performed or may arise in cases where complications arose while the procedure was being performed. In cases where this condition is present, women must seek treatment immediately to avoid any complications.

    Breast Implant Revision

    Women who experience complications after the breast augmentation procedure may be required to undergo a surgical procedure known as a breast implant revision to correct their condition. In some cases, the insertion of additional surgical tape or the use of an implant removal kit can be used to remedy swelling and inflammation that is present in the breasts following the surgery. In other cases, it may be necessary for patients to have their implants removed to undergo treatment for any complications they are experiencing.

    Anesthesia Effects

    In most cases, women who undergo breast augmentation procedures experience no complications following the procedure. However, this does not necessarily mean that every woman will experience a complete recovery from surgery. Patients who undergo a medical procedure such as breast augmentation can be at risk for experiencing some degree of anesthesia-related complication. Some women may experience problems with their breathing, heart rate, or blood pressure after the procedure has been performed. Suppose any of these symptoms occur while an anesthetic is being administered to the patient. In that case, she must seek immediate treatment by physicians to recover properly.


    One of the most common complications associated with breast augmentation procedures is the presence of bleeding at and around the surgical site. Some women who have undergone this procedure can experience mild bleeding immediately after being performed. Others may not experience bleeding until several hours after the surgery has been performed. Women who experience any type of bleeding following their breast augmentation procedure must seek immediate medical treatment to avoid any complications from occurring.

    Implant Removal

    Women can experience complications in their breast augmentation procedure leading to their implants being removed . While a small amount of bleeding may occur, it is not enough to be considered a cause for concern by physicians. However, in more severe cases, a physician may perform additional surgery to remove the implants from the patient's body. This procedure is known as breast implant removal surgery.

    Changes in Breast Sensation

    Some women may experience changes in their breast sensation following the surgery. This is especially true in cases where a patient has received breast implants that are the same size as her natural breasts. The procedure itself can cause the woman's mental and physical characteristics to change, leading to her experiencing a reduced ability to feel her breasts. In some cases, women may also experience numbness in their breasts.


    Hematomas are defined as the collection of blood between the inner and outer layers of the skin. In some cases, this condition may be experienced by women who have undergone breast augmentation procedures. A hematoma typically occurs in the breast tissue of a patient. This can lead to a significant loss of blood if left untreated. It may also lead to additional complications during the recovery period after the surgery has been performed.

    In conclusion, breast augmentation surgery can be performed differently on different patients. Once the procedure has been completed, possible complications can occur. These complications can cause women to become extremely ill, leading to the need for additional surgery.

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