What to Understand About Sexual Harassment Training in California?
Harassment and bullying in the workplace are common, and this is an issue that everyone should take seriously. According to a study done by the Washington Post, about 64% of US citizens think that there should be adequate training and awareness done when it comes to addressing these problems. The number of complaints has risen from 47% in 2011 alone, and this is a growing concern for several workers.
For more protection and to ensure that the company's reputation remains clean, some have begun implementing training to educate their employees about acceptable work behaviors and the ones that are not. With the help of sexual harassment training, some are made aware of what to do when this happens to them, and they will also know where to go. The program generally adds a lot of benefits to the organization, and multiple employees can all be trained at once.
However, some business owners may not see the value of these programs, and even executives may get confused about how they work. They might not also know whether the training was practical and if it fits with the company. Here's an article about harassment training and the advantages of getting it.

What Is It All About?
The training is generally an internet-based education where employees can meet through virtual meetings and get resources through their emails. Others pick to conduct face-to-face education to highlight what constitutes harassment, bullying & deliver everyone what a sexually hostile workplace is like.
With the rise of cases and reports of aggressive behaviors, many companies now make it compulsory for everyone to attend. Some states like California are now mandating that employers provide the proper training and knowledge to their employees. Others strongly suggest that the workers undergo refresher courses about the subject at least once a year to reinforce desirable behaviors in the office.
States like New York City also passed a law requiring all employers to conduct harassment training on all employees at least once a year. With this dire need in various areas, it's understandable to face challenges when holding classes, which is why a lot prefer to do the online courses.
What's generally included are understanding of harassment that is sexual in nature, common misconceptions about them, and proper handling of these incidents. Learn more about harassment on this site here.
Why Is This Important?
As mentioned, the complaints regarding sex-related harassment are rising, and this is not just common in the corporate setting. Even celebrities are facing accusations as well and what's shocking is that more than 30% of the cases see men as victims.
These are not just for women, but adult men have been victims too. Considering that all genders are involved, many authorities have adopted more stringent policies, which is why it's now compulsory to attend these seminars.

Benefits to Know About
With these policies in place, many people are now working in a safer environment, resulting in more efficiency and productivity. Some avoid instances of increased stress levels and discontent. The company's reputation and the overall image tend to suffer as well, which is why the training provides many benefits. Aside from being a cost-effective option, here are some things you need to know.
1. Provides a Safer Environment for Everyone
The stress in the workplace can result in a significant dip in employee performance. Generally, the primary stress in work can create an atmosphere of discomfort and fear. This is felt by the victims and by everyone working in the corporate setting.
With an effective harassment program in place, the coaches will outline instances of sexual provocation, what are the inappropriate behaviors at work, and how to properly approach colleagues. This will generally help clear out any misconceptions in the mind of the employees, and it can be translated to better financial returns and higher quality of work.
2. Get a More Knowledgeable Workforce
Some employees should be aware of the primary differences between unwarranted actions and being friendly. These courses will clear out any misconceptions and help more people become more knowledgeable and aware of their actions. There's also the awareness of the adverse consequences of sexual assault to all parties involved. This is an eye-opening experience as people become more aware of how the victims suffer professionally, physically, and psychologically. See more about sexual assault on this webpage: https://www.goodtherapy.org/learn-about-therapy/issues/sexual-abuse.
The program will be more educational in nature, and people will know how to create boundaries and personal space. They will also be informed about various professional, legal, and medical consequences that perpetrators generally face.
3. More Compliance
Untrained employees will generally be ignorant of the issues of harassment, and this can be a considerable risk to the employers. The companies may face the consequences of California's local or state laws when one of the employees takes legal action against their colleagues for sexually harassing them. The penalties are also huge when the state prosecutor discovers that the company does not have any formal training regarding harassment, so it's better to look for these programs before it's too late.
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