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    What Are Some Common Alternatives To A 12-Step Recovery Program?

    There are many different types of recovery programs available, and it can be challenging to decide which one is right for you. Here are some standard options to consider if you're looking for an alternative to a 12-step program. Each program has its unique approach, so be sure to explore these non-12-step recovery programs and find the one that feels best suited to your needs.

    What Are Some Common Alternatives To A 12-Step Recovery Program?

    What Are Some Common Alternatives To A 12-Step Recovery Program?

    SMART Recovery

    One of the most common alternatives is SMART Recovery. SMART Recovery stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training, a program that emphasizes individual choice and responsibility. The program offers tools and resources to help people manage their recovery and does not require participants to believe in a higher power.

    Instead, participants are encouraged to focus on taking action to achieve their goals. While the 12-step program may work well for some people, SMART Recovery is an excellent option for those who prefer a more secular approach.

    Women For Sobriety

    One of the most common non-12-step recovery programs is Women For Sobriety. This program was founded in 1975 and is based on the belief that sobriety is a journey that should be taken one day at a time. The program also emphasizes self-love and self-care and offers tools and resources to help women achieve their sobriety goals. In addition, Women For Sobriety is focused on helping women build healthy relationships with others. It offers support groups and online forums where women can connect with others on the same journey.

    LifeRing Secular Recovery

    A great non-12-step recovery program is LifeRing Secular Recovery. This program emphasizes individualized treatment plans and self-empowerment. LifeRing believes that each person is the expert on their own life, and as such, they should be in control of their recovery.

    The program focuses on building sober support networks and developing healthy coping skills. LifeRing also offers online resources and meetings, making it accessible to people who live in remote areas or have busy schedules. Overall, LifeRing is a flexible and inclusive alternative to 12-step programs.

    Moderation Management

    Moderation Management is one of the most common non-12 step recovery programs. This approach to recovery is designed to help people struggling with problem drinking. Moderation Management aims to promote a healthy relationship with alcohol and change risky drinking habits.

    This recovery method does not work for everyone, as some people cannot moderate their drinking. Individuals who use illicit drugs should also consider complete abstinence to avoid experiencing a drug overdose.

    However, moderation is highly beneficial for some people as a form of harm reduction and lifestyle change. If you are struggling with addiction, it would be best to consult a qualified professional to determine if this recovery program is right for you.

    Non-12 Step Recovery Programs: In Closing

    Alternative non-12 step recovery programs are becoming increasingly popular as people search for better, more tailored ways to overcome addiction. These programs offer a variety of benefits, such as community support, personal growth opportunities, and holistic healing methods. One of these programs may be perfect if you’re looking for an alternative to a 12-step recovery.

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