What To Expect At Your First Denture Appointment?
Tooth loss is scary and affects your overall personality. Many people with missing teeth gradually lose trust and self-esteem over time. However, nowadays, there is no need to be stressed about this problem as many tooth replacement options, like dentures, are available in Mission Viejo.
Mission Viejo (City in California) is located in Southern California's Orange County in the US. According to statistics from the American Dental Association, Mission Viejo is home to nearly 30,000 dentists.
Getting dentures can be challenging. Many people feel anxious about their first visit to a dental professional. However, this article will help you get the information you need during your first consultation with a dentist Mission Viejo, CA, to have a more comfortable experience.

What To Expect At Your First Denture Appointment?
The initial exam:
At the patient's initial dental exam, they will meet with a dentist to discuss their overall health and any concerns they may have about their teeth. In addition to asking/questions about how the patient's teeth feel, the dentist will also examine them for signs of decay or other problems.
The dentist will look at the patient's teeth, including those missing, to determine if they are healthy enough to hold a new denture. If it is determined that they are not fit enough, they may need to seek treatment before receiving a denture. If a patient's teeth are healthy enough, then the next step is to take an impression (a mold) of each tooth that needs replacement with a denture.
X-rays and photos:
They'll probably have a few appointments when they go to the dentist for the first time. The first appointment will be with the dental hygienist, including a complete examination and X-rays. They'll also have photos taken. The dentist will then meet with them to discuss any issues that need to be addressed. They may also give instructions on how to take care of the patient's mouth at home between visits. Finally, it's important to remember that getting dentures is not just about having teeth in a patient's mouth—it's about feeling confident in yourself when they smile or laugh!
Impression taking:
The patient's first appointment with a denture specialist is an opportunity for the dentist to evaluate the patient's unique dental needs and determine how best to proceed with treatment. This appointment will also create an impression of the patient's mouth, which will later be used to develop the patient's custom-fit dentures.
During this appointment, they'll have an opportunity to discuss the patient's concerns and expectations with the dentist. The dentist will take measurements of the patient's mouth and teeth, including bite height and width, jawline depth, and gum line thickness. They'll use these measurements to create an impression of the patient's teeth and gums so they can create a custom-fitted set of dentures.
Bite Registration:
Dental bite registration is taking a bite impression of a patient's teeth. It creates a mold that will be used as a guide for creating a patient's denture.
The patient's dentist will take measurements, photographs, and impressions of the patient's upper and lower teeth to create a replica of the patient's natural teeth.
The bite registration process can take anywhere from one to three appointments, depending on how many teeth they have in each arch and how many times they need to come in for new impressions.
Preliminary Final Denture Consultation:
The first thing they'll want to do is schedule a preliminary final denture consultation. It will occur in the office of the patient's dentist, who will help them determine whether or not they're a good candidate for dentures. If everything checks out with the patient's mouth and teeth, it's time for the fitting process!
Dentures are as simple as you may think, but knowing where to go and what to anticipate can make all the difference. Dentists in Mission Viejo are very considerate of customers who are yet to have their first denture visit. The thing to remember is that there isn't just a one-size-fits-all solution for having dentures made. Instead, your first appointment will likely be the start of a lengthy process in which you work with a healthcare professional to create dentures that fit your mouth and your lifestyle.
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