5 Alarming Stats About Hunting Without Protective Clothing
Hunting is a popular pastime, with over 15 million hunters taking to the wild every year in the United States alone. Many people hunt for fun, and it's not without its risks – although you can minimize this through proper clothing choices. Hunting is an activity that has inherent dangers. If you are considering hunting as a hobby, there are some basic precautions you will need to take to reduce your risk of injury or death.
While most hunters understand that protective clothing can reduce the risk of injury, there is much less understanding of how dangerous hunting can be if you don't take the right precaution.
Here are some dangers of hunting without protective clothing and answers to “why do hunters wear orange?”

The Dangers of Hunting Without Protective Clothing: Why do Hunters Wear Orange?
● Getting shot
Safety is the primary reason hunters wear protective clothing. When hunters are not wearing the right protective clothing, they are accidentally shot at or killed during hunting.
So why do hunters wear orange? There are two reasons hunters have chosen this shade of orange: it is an unnatural color, not found in nature, and it is one of the best-visible colors in low light. Since nothing in nature matches this color, hunters can spot and recognize each other more easily in daylight fluorescent orange clothing. A plain orange color should be visible from all angles.
● Being Bitten or Scratched by Animals
It is common for an injured game to resist being found and to fight back. This is especially true for wild boars. When pressed, even the smallest wild boars - the freshlings - will charge. To reduce the risk of bites and scratches, it is important to utilize proper handling practices, specific restraints, and personal protective equipment (PPE).
● Hearing And Eye Problems
Hearing protection recommendations are still ignored by many hunters. According to them, it is uncomfortable to wear, and it is harder to determine which way the game is coming. However, the same people sooner or later begin to lean their right ear towards the speaker because their left ear cannot hear much.
Another benefit noise protection offers is that it minimizes shock to the body during the shot. With earmuffs on, you'll notice the game's reaction better and quickly fire a second shot. In addition to projectiles and burning gasses, firearms produce small particles that can harm your eyes. Wear protective glasses & earplugs at all times.
● Exposure To Diseases
The typical bacterial flora of the animal, which is present on the oral mucous membranes or in the saliva, as well as the bacterial flora of human skin, can infect bite and scratch wounds. Hunters may be in danger of brucellosis, a serious infection that some animals can bring. Avoid all interaction with animals that are sick or dead while you are hunting. As long as brucellosis is still a possibility, it is important to use safe field dressing procedures on animals that seem healthy.
Hunting is a great hobby, allowing you to be at one with nature while getting a delicious dinner at the end of the day. However, it must be done properly to avoid injury. All gear should be up to standard, safety must be considered, and protective clothing should be worn at all times. This is why hunters wear orange.
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