Top 6 Reasons to Join a Sports Team at University
University is a place for learning, not just about your course, but about yourself. However, very few students make the most of their time at university. Instead of immersing themselves in school life, they spend most of their time stuck in their room on their own.
If you want to make the most of your time, you should consider joining a sports team. There are many excellent reasons why joining a university sports team is a great idea. Here are just a few of them:

1. It is a Great Way to Fill Your Free Time
A repetitive lifestyle can be a boring one. If most of your days involve rolling out of bed to hit the library or listening to another lecture before rolling back into bed, you may need to change things up a bit. Going to university should be one of the most exciting times of your life, so if you’re finding it boring, then you need to fill your time with an enjoyable activity, like sports. The buzz of a new challenge can help you really enjoy college life. As well as this, there’s always a chance you’ll walk away with a medal or two.
2. There’s a Sport for Everyone
Most universities, including, have various clubs and societies for students to enjoy. This means that no matter what type of sport you enjoy playing or want to try, there will be one for you.
3. You Can Learn New Skills or Develop Existing Ones
Joining a team sport at university is a great way to learn new skills or develop existing ones. One of the most important skills you can learn from a team sport is teamwork. This is a transferable skill that not only helps you to stand out on the court (or pitch) but also to employers. Other skills you can learn by playing a team sport include motivation and commitment.
4. It’s Good for Your Health
University students are well known for their unhealthy lifestyle. Not only do many of them drink vast amounts of alcohol each week and consume unhealthy meals, but many of them choose not to participate in activities. Unfortunately, this can be dangerous. Most experts agree that inactivity can be even deadlier than smoking, and research has been carried out to prove this.
While this might not be a shocking revelation to you, it’s worth pointing out that exercise is good for your health. Playing a team sport will not only benefit you physically, but also mentally. It can help raise your self-esteem, help you feel more comfortable, and even help you live longer.
5. You Can Make New Friends
Going to a university is a brilliant way to meet new people and make new friends; however, sometimes it’s not as easy as it sounds. If you’re struggling to connect with others around you, joining a sports team can help. Sports training sessions are the perfect place to socialize with people in a similar situation to yourself.
6. It’s Fun
The final reason we think you should join a university sports team is because it can be fun! Do you really need any other reason than that? If playing sport is something you like doing, then hurry up and join a team.
Whether you’re a fresher or you’ve been a university student for several years, joining a sports team can benefit you. And the great news is there’s a sport for everyone. Why not find one that you love?
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